Monthly Archives: August 2020

Entrance Test Syllabus of Secondary Class (ONLY FOR ICSE STUDENTS)

Name of ClassSyllabus
For Class 9 th
Comprehension , Essay (Any topic) , Any letter, Picture composition, Tenses, Preposition, Noun , Genders , Conjuction, Active and Passive voice Direct and Indirect , Singular and Plural, Make sentences, Adjective, Synonyms, Antonyms
Ratio and Proportion , Simple and Compound Interest, Factorization, Simultaneous Equations, Simple Equation, Triangle and its Congruency, Quadrilateral Circles, Perimeter and Area, Volume and surface Area.

Entrance Test Syllabus

Name of ClassSyllabus
For Class LKG
English - A to Z , a to z cursive
हिंदी अ से ज्ञ तक
Counting 1 to 100
For Class UKG AdmissionPart of body, Colours, Outdoor games, Vegetables, Animals etc. Dictations, Singular, Plurals, Means of transports, Use of is/ am/ are/ a/ an.
Simple addition and subtraction, numbers in words from
For Class 1 st
Dictation, Meaning, General questions -
What is your father name? Where do you live? Name of months. Name of days in a week, Colour, Sense Organs, Home of animals, Festivals etc.
Addition, Carry Subtraction, Borrow Multiplication, Division , Counting numbers from 1 to 500, numbers in words from 1 to 300, tables 2 to 12,
What comes after, before, between
For Class 2 nd AdmissionApplication, Letter, Essay, Dictation, Comprehension, Opposites, Singulars, Plurals, Use of has, have, had, was , were in sentence, Picture Composition and Preposition, Gender, Adjective
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division , Simple problems sums, Tables 2 to 15 Ascending Descending Order, Face value, Place value, Put sign > < =, Expanded form + Compact form in words 1 to 1000
For Class 3 rd
Comprehension, Use of word in sentence, Essay, Application, Letter, Picture Composition, The noun, Adjective Preposition,Conjunction, Verbs, Opposites, Genders, Dictation.
Addition , Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Word problem, sums, Tables 2 to 16, Successor, Predecessor, Fraction, Area , Time measurement, Decimal numbers,
For Class 4 th
Comprehension , Essay (Any topic) , Any letter, Application, Make sentences, Picture composition, Word - Meaning, Adjective, Tenses, Preposition, Opposities, Singular, Plural, Genders, Conjuction etc.
Addition , Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Word problem, sums,
Successor, Predecessor, Fraction, Area , Time measurement, Decimal numbers,
For Class 5 th
Comprehension , Essay (Any topic) , Any letter, Application, Make sentences, Picture composition, Word - Meaning, Adjective , Tenses, Preposition, Opposities, Active and Passive voice Genders, Conjuction etc.
Average L.C.M and H.C.F , Decimal, Simple profit and loss, Percentage, Money, Perimeter, and Area of Rectangle and Square, Measurement of Time, Simplification, Algebra, Fraction, Metric- Measurement
For Class 6 th
Comprehension , Essay (Any topic) , Any letter, Make sentences, Picture composition, Word - Meaning, Adjective, Tenses, Preposition, Noun , Opposities, Active and Passive voice Genders, Conjuction, Direct and Indirect Speech etc.
Fraction Decimal, Simple Interest, Average, Angles, Triangle, Profit and loss, Simple Interest, L.C.M and H.C.F, Simplification, Percentage, Perimeter and Area.
For Class 7 th
Comprehension , Essay (Any topic) , Any letter, Picture composition, Tenses, Preposition, Noun , Genders , Conjuction, Active and Passive voice Direct and Indirect , Singular and Plural, Make sentences, Adjective, Synonyms, Antonyms
Pecentage , Profit nad Loss, Ration and Proportion, Algebraic, Expression and Equation , Whole Numbers, Integers, Parallel Line and Line Segments, Angles, Practical Geometry, Surface Area, Decimal Triangle, Volume.
For Class 8 th
Comprehension , Essay (Any topic) , Any letter, Picture composition, Tenses, Preposition, Noun , Genders , Conjuction, Active and Passive voice Direct and Indirect , Singular and Plural, Make sentences, Adjective, Synonyms, Antonyms
Set Concept, Integers, Power and root, Ratio and Proportion, Unitary Method, Percentage, Profit and Loss, Distance, Time speed, Simple Factorization, Algebric, Expression, Line equation, Parallel lines , Basic Construction, Triangle, Circle , Perimeter and Area, Volume and Surface, Area of Solid and cuboids.